We sat by that window, in the warm summer breeze,
You falling asleep, me with a pillow on my knees,
You told me how she broke your heart,
and how you didn’t want that to happen again
Deep in me I made a promise that warm summers night,
That I would always protect you,
Even when it hurt,
I would not be the one who would cause your heart to break.
Time has continue on since then,
We have both gotten older you see,
Our preferences are changing,
Still we have feelings for each other that we cant seem to shake..
Do we even want to get rid of them.
Sometimes you can be so selfish, demanding that everything be about you.
But I’m not really one to complain,
You see, I do the same.
Sometimes you make a point, but I fail to see,
Just truly what you want me to notice.
We drain each other emotionally, demanding from each other that we give this our all.
Meanwhile, our secret sins eat us alive,
We try to bury them deeper.
Distance and time seem to always get in our way,
Maybe with a touch of our own ambition,
See, living so far from you is not what I wanted,
But I had to proceed, and think only of me.